Global Game Jam Hong Kong 2016

Chinese DiGRA is proud to support Global Game Jam 2016 Hong Kong to be held this coming weekend. For the fourth time, the event gathers students and professionals alike to create games in just 48 hours. Join us for a thrilling, but relaxed jam at Cyberport!

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Chaoguang Wang and Gino Yu on The relationship between players value systems and their In-game behavior in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game

Chaoguang Wang, Gino Yu, Digital Entertainment Lab, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong This study examines the relationship between player’s value systems based upon the Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory by Clare W. Graves (Graves, 2005) and their actions in playing a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Online survey data from 5,427 players of […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Philip Lin on Contextualizing Cyber-Soldier in the East:A Reflection on the Colonized War Game Experience of Taiwanese Gamers

Philip Lin, Providence University In the last 15 years, the first-person-shooter (FPS) genre has grown to be the most recognizable genre of digital games and happened to produce several most-wanted war-themed games played by millions of global gamers. Especially after 9/11, the popular FPS game titles, e.g. the America’s Army (AA), Call of Duty (COD), […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Banwo Adetoro Olaniyi on The Interplay between Digital Gaming and the Rise of Nationalism in China

Banwo Adetoro Olaniyi, Xiamen University The use of Technology to disseminate information and transmit cultural practices on a wide scale is a phenomenal practice in the modern world. While digital technology offers playful tinkering, it also offers a diverse way to capture and imbibe formal and informal ideas. China’s digital game industry has developed in […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Teng Yuning on The Moving Landscape – Human Rights Revolution Intrigued by the Visual Revolution Represented in Video Games

TENG Yuning (滕宇宁) 北京大学视觉与图像研究中心 当今社会已经进入“图像时代”。游戏作为新的传播媒介,挑战了几千年来观看者被动接受图像信息的视觉经验,使观看方式逐渐转变为个体主动的选择:对图像的观看不再受限于唯一既定的顺序(规定顺序决定了对信息接收的先后次序,从而以固定叙事影响信息获取)或人为强化的局部(对画面局部的放大实际是对事实原有信息的放大),而是可以随机进行移动和调整画面的阅读,根据自我心境、习惯、兴趣读取不同的信息——部分地解脱了订件人(图像作用的规定者)及创作者(艺术家)作为权威的控制力,观看者本身具有对画面理解的掌控力和主动权。 风景作为艺术史中一个典型的艺术类型(genre),非常清晰地反映艺术史的演变线索;同时根据政治图像学(political iconography)的理论和方法研究,图像是复杂的社会行为的投射,背后蕴藏有人为的诉求和干涉从而实现权威对民众(观看者)的控制。本文以游戏中的风景为例,分析移动观看图像的视点改变如何影响到对画面/景象的理解,从而对图像的政治加以警惕和抵抗,从某种意义上实现信息接受的平等,以达到一种精神上的自由的可能。 移动焦点在传统静态绘画中已经有所体现,即中国古代的长卷绘画。长卷的把玩方式即是拿在手中一部分一部分的展开,画面中的风景题材或者人物在风景中的活动就在展开的运动中显现为一种叙事结构。这种方式同西方绘画的单一焦点画面非常不同,也可以看作是中国传统审美中的一种移动的倾向。电影、视频艺术(Video Art)的活动影像将这一方式推进,在运动的影像中,风景参与叙事和政治表达。特别是视频艺术作为当代艺术的一种方式,以激进的形式将移动带来的规定性明确而激烈地进行批判。 游戏带来了主动性的画面选择,游戏中的风景虽然仍然受到程序的规定,以较为固定的范式呈现,但是已经具有个体自主选择观看的空间。这种选择性是否能以视觉心理学的方法加以深化,以验证一种推论:观看者在游戏的过程中已经从被动接受者转化为主动操控者,而针对画面的选择使其强化了这种对于“操控的想象”,曾经只属于画面创造者的“权力”转换到游戏者(受众)手中。在论证过程中,也会涉及一些当代艺术家利用游戏进行艺术创作的方式(如冯梦波的作品),来探讨艺术对于人自由选择的推进作用。 Author info Teng Yuning’s main academic responsibility at Centre for Visual Studies (CVS) is managing the Chinese Modern Art Archive (CMAA), which collects and archives Chinese Contemporary Art dating back to 1986, establishes on-line database, hosts academic study projects, professional exhibition, international forum and student […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Zhang Wanyi on Crowdsourcing Image Annotation with Gamification

Zhang Wanyi, College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University Nowadays  computer  and  other  electronic  equipment  have  become  highly intelligent  with  the  development  of  computer  science  and  technology. However, computer is still not smart enough to identify images automatically, and this problem has plagued the scientists for a long time. In recent years, scientists work […]