[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Gao Jihe on Implementing Agent-based Approachs to Prototyping Online Games’ Social Interaction Mechanism

Gao Jihe (高济禾), Jiejiao Tech Co.Ltd (街角科技) Game prototyping has become a common practice in game design. Existing prototyping studies focused on the core mechanics, the level design, interface and so on. The rise of online multiplayer gaming has make in-game social engagement and interaction becoming an increasingly important component of game mechanism. However, a […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] WANG Zihan on the Role of Playwright in Modern Game Production

编剧在新时代游戏制作中的作用 作者:WANG Zihan (王梓涵) 身份:作家 游戏编剧 自由撰稿人 翻译 在我的眼中,游戏从来都是当之无愧的第九艺术,而既然是艺术,就离不开传统的塑造方式,比如剧本。纵观中外游戏发展史,剧情在游戏制作中的地位走了一条波浪式的曲折之路——从最初的偏安一隅到上世纪九十年代的重中之重,如今又略显势微。在其辉煌时,著名的编剧如Chris Avellone、Tim Cain曾为我们带来过《异域镇魂曲》、《辐射》这样的经典,其中《异域镇魂曲》更是因90%的游戏时间都在阅读剧本而不朽。而今天,随着硬件技术的飞速发展以及移动游戏、主机游戏的崛起,编剧似乎越来越没那么重要了。在这个新的时代里,游戏编剧真的会走向沉沦、偶尔只靠一款款《永恒之柱》这样的游戏宣告自己的存在感?还是破釜沉舟,以一种新的面目左右游戏制作的大方向? 介绍:笔名半神巫妖,有十几年游戏从业经历,2000年参与官方《博德之门》汉化,2003年主持了《命令与征服:将军》MOD《五星之光》的制作,取得国内外共计五十万下载量并获得EA官方的来信。现为中国最大单机游戏网站3DM主编,自由撰稿人,常年为包括《大众软件》在内的知名游戏媒体撰写游戏产业文章。同时作为游戏编剧,曾为包括单机游戏《御天降魔传》在内的诸多单机游戏、手游撰写剧本、官方小说。另外翻译出版了包括《心灵之眼》、《上古卷轴》官方小说在内的诸多文学作品。作为项目负责人汉化了包括《上古卷轴5:天际》、《星际战甲》在内的诸多游戏,大多成为官方汉化。

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Chen Ziyun on Technique, Strategy, Simulation, Culture – An Attempt to Construct a Game Classification System

Chen Ziyun, Popsoft After development of half a century, video games became a highly complex interactive entertainment product, where the traditional classification such as AVG, RPG, RTS, was confronted by the mixed-type games and became insufficient. Recently, with the smartphone popularization and new gamers’ explosion, the old classification system lost its explanatory ability and failed […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Hanna Wirman on the second screen and play multitasking: Mapping out fragmented/ continuous gameplay

Hanna Wirman, Hong Kong Polytechic University, School of Design ‘Second screen’ entertainment model – the use of a mobile device while watching television – makes games ever more pervasive in our daily lives. Such use also steadily expands beyond TV+mobile model to other two or multiple screens use situations. Meanwhile, the typical mechanics of ‘freemium’ […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] He Siheng on the Potential Usage of Signal Processing Theories into Game Studies and Gamification Practices—A Case Study on Khan Institute

He Siheng, School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology The term “Gamification” emerged since 2002 and was widely studied after 2010s. Though a popular area of researches and practices, Gamification problems like the overuse of gamer’s classification theory, non-standardized design of gamified systems, and lacking mature protocols to assess system effectiveness, remained untackled. […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Fu, Wenhui and Nam, Youngho on the Internationalization Strategies of Chinese Online Game Industry

Fu, Wenhui; Nam, Youngho, Center of Innovation in Supply Chain and Service For more than a decade, Chinese online game industry has developed and at present they attempt to catch bigger markets abroad, and to copy Chinese success experiences in other countries. In this context Chinese online game companies enter overseas markets with various purposes […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Bjarke Liboriussen and Paul Martin on The Disruptive Potential of Regional Game Studies

Bjarke Liboriussen, Paul Martin, University of Nottingham Ningbo China Based on our participation in setting up the Chinese DIGRA network, this paper examines the concept of the regional and the potential of regional game studies to disrupt established ways of thinking and doing game studies. We first identify contemporary game studies as an interdisciplinary—as opposed […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Deng Jian on the The Decline of Mainland Chinese Singe-Player Game(early 1980s-2000)

Deng Jian, Shanghai University This paper will discuss the development of Chinese Single-Player game from early 1980s (in which, Chinese factory produced the first console) to 2000 (in which, the game ban was issued). As all we known, under the circumstance of Reform and Opening-up, early Chinese singe-player game was introduced from Japan, and its […]

[Chinese DiGRA 2015] Felania Liu on the Trends and Tendencies of Researches on Games and Gamification Practices in Mainland China from 1980-2014

Felania Liu, Tsinghua University Game Studies, as a booming research area of interest, attracted a growing number of scholarly attentions for the past 20 years. However, researches and practices of video game and game related issues in China, especially in mainland China, seems to stay out of the trends and sights of the international academia […]